Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
In all things, we are MISSION DRIVEN at First Evangelical Lutheran Church!
At First Lutheran Church we are mission driven. But whhat does that mean?
We believe that the mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel and to make disciples for Christ.
We believe that making disciples — in our congregations, in our communities and nations, and around the world — must be a priority of the Church in the present age.
We believe that the mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel and to make disciples for Christ.
We believe that making disciples — in our congregations, in our communities and nations, and around the world — must be a priority of the Church in the present age.
Current & ongoing Mission Projects:
- Our biggest mission project each year is our fair food stand called Feast at First at the Delaware County Fair. All proceeds from that mission go to local, regional, and global missions that we support. In 2021 we were able to give away over $25,000 for missions!
- Another mission, which started in 2020, is the Freezer Meal Program. Ladies from the church make meals that are frozen and then distributed to those in need. This mission started during the COVID pandemic. Contact Brenda Saunders, Billie Zumbach, or Mary Maurer for specific instructions. If you, or someone you know, is in need of a home cooked meal, contact the church office to arrange pick-up.
- Our Quilting Ladies meet weekly on Tuesdays to piece together quilt tops and hand stitch them together into beautiful works of art. These quilts are distributed to those in need in our community and around the world. Everyone is welcome.
- Script is sold after the 8:00 Sunday service, before the 10:30 am service & before the 6:00 Wednesday evening service. During the week you may contact the church office at 927-3420 to purchase. Money raised from the use of script goes towards the many missions and activities of the church.

Past mission Projects:
- God Speed Equine - this was a missive project and undertaking where our congregation planned and built over 8600 liner feet of continuous fence for Victory Ranch in Dallas Center, Iowa. Members from over 30 other congregations we also apart of this project. Over $90,000 was raised by First Lutheran Church to make this project happen! Watch the videos below.
- Farms to Families with Prairie Farms - On June 30th, 2020 and August 5th, 2020 (during the height of the pandemic) First Lutheran Church hosted the give away of 500 dairy boxes each date. This was a collaboration with Delaware County Pay-It Forward and FFDC Covid-19 Relief Fund. Many members of the church were part of the planning and handing out of boxes of dairy products.